Category: General

How to Get Rid of Squirrels From the Attic

A squirrel is an active, small and a tailed rodent which belongs to the group of sciuridae of  medium size rodents that has claws which are suited for climbing the branches of trees. When the squirrel is jumping.the tail acts as a rudder which enables it to swerve. This jumping capabilities come in handy when the squirrels wants to enter an attic. When that happens, the animals can cause a lot of damage to the interior not to mention the frustration from the noises. Squirrel removal Toronto experts recommend to their clients to have a good idea of how the squirrels can get into an attic so to prevent it from happening in the first place.

The squirrel has teeth which are shaped like a chisel with each jaw holding a pair of incisors They mostly stay in nests which they build using grass and leaves or in the tree hollows. This rodent can last for a period of between five to ten years and their skins can be used for making linings and coats among others. The big questions which needs to be asked is, what should you do to get rid of The squirrels from your attic? The following actions can be done to reduce the number of squirrels in your attics.

a) Monitor the tress in your neighborhood and make sure that you prevent these animals from jumping and climbing into your house using the neighboring trees by fastening a sheet on the trees and trimming the branches.

b) Check your house if it has any points of entry for the squirrels by looking at the weak areas and gaps in the corners of the house. Seal any openings and entrances that may be caused by joints cables or pipes which enter the building.

c) Make sure you avoid trapping any squirrel in the attic and if you are sure that there is a squirrel in the attic set a trap to catch the squirrel and covet the trap with a blanket.

d) If there is no squirrel in the attic, seal it by covering any spaces and holes which the rodent may pass through.

e) One can also scare the squirrel using sound which can either come from the radio by turning it on into a station which will enable the squirrel to hear human voices clearly.

f) You can use flash lights to scare the squirrels from entering the attic by installing flashing lights in the attic and leaving the lights on.

Living With Raccoons-How To Prevent Problems

Raccoon is a plump mammal that grows around to two to three feet and weighs 4.5 to 13.5 kilograms. It is widely known for its black mask. Its mask is comparable to a “bandit’s mask” that is why this animal has the reputation of being mischief. Raccoon lives on wooden areas but, nowadays, the natural habitat of this animal is starting to shrink. For this reason, raccoon started to invade the areas where humans live. That is why
raccoon in our homes is becoming a household problem these days. Problems can lead to costly raccoon removal Toronto services by professionals. To avoid to have to pay for such services, you can take preventative measures.

Here are some ways on how to prevent raccoon from invading your area. Garbage can- make sure that your garbage can is properly locked. You could also use garbage can that is
made up of metal or durable plastic that has a fit cover. This type of can will prevent the raccoon from ransacking your garbage can. If you don’t have tight-fitting lid you could use heavy materials that will enclose the lid.

Poultry- make sure that your poultry house is properly closed. Close all the window, doors and others that would allow raccoon to enter the poultry house.

Lawn and garden- the best way to keep raccoon away from your garden is to install electric fences around it. Make sure that when you install one you turn it on at night time and turn it off in the morning. Attic- close all passage that will lead raccoon to this place. Usually raccoon stays in the attic when it has cubs/s. When this happens it’s either you wait until they leave or you can create an environment that is opposite to what they like. Since raccoon likes dark, quiet and safe place you should create an environment that is opposite to this.

Aside from this you could also use trap cage to catch this troublesome animal.

Damages: Caused by Raccoons

Raccoons can be pretty messy; they are not like your normal pets after all they are wild animals. They like to break everything down as their nature is destructive. According to raccoon removal experts, raccoons are capable of doing some disastrous damage to your house if left away in the house freely. Let’s see what a raccoon can do to your house if left freely, so that you don’t even think of doing it. We asked raccoon removal Mississauga professionals for some advice. Here it is:

They make holes everywhere – Raccoons are stubborn and determined at their hole making habit. When they see any wooden furniture or some weak wall, they will start
digging it for no reason. They must be doing it just for fun or getting some place to peep.

They may kill your pets – If raccoons are left away, they may kill your pet. This usually happens when a raccoon tries to eat the food you have left for your pet and the raccoon tries to eat that food away, if your pets make even some kind of defensive moves it will be killed right away. Raccoons will snatch the head of your pet right away.

They will damage your garbage can – I don’t know why they love to stay in garbage cans. If you have a plastic garbage can they will chew it and make holes in it very easily, and then you will have to do all that hard work to separate them. But even if you have a steel garbage can they will still use their strong paws to get in to it. If you want your garbage can to be saved keep it away from raccoons.

Roof and raccoons is not a good combination – Often times, it is noticed that when the Raccoons don’t get any other way to get access to your house they will use the roofs. They will make a 4 to 6 inch hole in your roof to get access in your home and then you can imagine what will happen to your home. The main reason why raccoons comes in the home through roof is the tree branch touching your home, if you have it cut it.

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